The Xylem Zone Ethos
Create a solid foundation and build a strong BACC, create the life you truly desire.
Balanced in your emotions & behaviour.
Aware and open to learning new skills.
Conscious with your thoughts & actions
Congruent with your core values

Build your skill and awareness before you start: Get Our Must-Have Resources.
The Happiness Game
Are you on track to create the life you truly desire? Are you goals within your reach? This exercise will give you a clear understanding of where you are at and what could be possible with a clear plan.
Finance Quiz
Getting a loan for your property can be overwhelming & confusing.The more you understand the smoother the process can be. Check your knowledge and find out how prepared you are.
Clarity Call
This session with an experienced Strategy coach will give you clarity around what could be possible based on your specific situation. Whether it’s your own home, buying your first investment property or starting your own business we explore all options.
Why the funny name?
We didn’t want to be pigeonholed into one area of expertise as we look at all the key areas of life and of investing in helping our students design their life plan and strategic approach. Our approach is more community-centric, holistic, and organic so what better symbol than a tree? The Xylemzone sounds a bit like stepping into a new world of thinking and mindset that’s exciting and opens you up to new possibilities and is not just about making money.
Xylem is actually the concentric rings that are in the heart of a tree and carries the water to all areas of the plant so it can thrive. We understand in our life and investing that there are always cycles that we need to identify and address. Many cultures have historically taken a generational approach to pass on life skills to deal with these ongoing changes. In today’s modern world, so many people feel isolated, alone, and out of their depths and many of the skills needed for life are missing from their knowledge base. We combine old and new information when it comes to creating a dynamic approach to Redesigning your Life as well as linking back more to core values of supporting one another, sharing, and uplifting each other so we can all have a better more fulfilled life.

We do not have a business model that is based on you having to utilise our preferred suppliers so we can build additional income streams and create a profit off your back. We are happy to share our own professional contacts with you, to help you build your own team of trusted advisors at no cost and at their discretion.
We do not give advice in the regulated areas of finance, accounting, financial planning, and SMSF even though we have years of personal learning in these areas. We are happy to share our own experiences and any tips we have learned along the way, so you are more equipped and know the best questions to ask when seeking a specialised adviser in these niche areas.
Our approach to coaching is always flexible, personalised, and tailored to your specific history, situation, and goals.
All our income is derived purely from sharing skills and guiding you on your journey care of our face-to-face coaching and online programs. Our motivation is to assist you in building your knowledge & awareness so you do not have to hand yourself over to “experts” blindly who may not always have your best interest at heart.
How we are different
We place people, planet, and purpose before profit and strive to develop a personal connection with our clients that is based on mutual trust and respect. Instead of focusing on constantly increasing sales and revenue to pay for ever-increasing expenses and executive salaries, we focus on slow, intimate, and sustainable growth. We can afford to do this by operating in the opposite manner of traditional businesses as we have a flat hierarchy, low overheads, and no debt. Of what we receive in coaching fees most of this goes to your coach for their time. Part of the remaining goes towards covering our low overheads and what is left over is for selected Not for Profit projects and initiatives that we support.
We do not sell property or affiliate with developers, instead, we teach you how to find and negotiate your own property purchases so you can avoid having to pay further Buyers Agents or Real estate fees. We are also more than happy for our clients to utilise their own key parties and work with them in line with their strategies and plans.

Who are we?
After almost 20 years and dozens of property purchases as a collective, we have been able to experience the joys and pitfalls of investing. Initially, our common ground was property and a shared passion for passing on our knowledge and experience of investing.
However, we often spent more time discussing our goals, our hopes for our family, the struggles we faced along the way, and our drive to be part of a positive change in the world.
We have found that property and business can be used as powerful vehicles that will increase cash flow and give you back time so you can focus more on what’s important to you. We would love to share that with you.
“Knowledge is great, and action is crucial but without a clear plan neither are likely to bring you the result you truly desire” – David Neradil
The Problem
Most skills around money, debt, and property are not taught at school. Our parents didn’t learn either and instead just worked hard and sacrificed their family time.
Most experts are highly specialised and have limited experience with money, property, and business. They charge a fortune, and you are expected to trust them blindly. They make money even when you lose, and they provide no guarantees.
The Facts
Many people make big decisions to invest large sums of money without the skills based on emotional pressure and often lose large sums of money.
Money: Most people spend more than they earn and survive on credit.
Homeowners: Now only 30% of Aussies own their home outright.
Property investors: Rarely buy more than one and can never retire from their assets. Only 5.81% of investors own 3 investment properties. 2.11% of investors own 4 investment properties, why so low?
Business: 48% of all new Australian business start-ups fail within the first four years, and just 77% make their first anniversary. How can you avoid this outcome?
The Options
Work harder and get a second job. Start a side hustle with the latest trend. Continue to give away your time and wait for a pension. Hope your super will save you. Throw the dice with crypto!
Learn and develop your own skills so you can create a clear future plan. Learn which strategy best suits your circumstances and vision. Become the captain of your own ship and make informed decisions understanding the upside of each strategy and how to manage downside risk. Create real generational change and pass on your knowledge to those you care for.
4-STEP CHALLENGE: Could you increase your cash flow by at least 20% without working harder or giving away more time? Is it possible to clear your bad debt? Could you stop renting and buy your own home in less than 18 months even if you have no deposit today? Is it possible to get your home loan approved even with rising inflation and interest rates?